Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is a Mother Worth?

Who can afford to pay for the services a mother provides for love? Nothing compares how much a mother at home added to her family’s economic well-being by being a nursemaid, housekeeper, cook, dishwasher, laundress, food buyer, dietician, and generally, a maintenance person.

The above reality is demeaning to the mother at home because those were just relatively menial duties. There are higher status jobs every mother at home performs. She can be a teacher, religious instructor, coach, interior decorator, psychologist, analyst in every way and almost everything a mother assumes. Often, we cannot see a mother’s heart nor ever understand their inner struggles.

Mothers are one of the unsung heroines of today! Her irreplaceable services to her family are far beyond rewarding. With all the responsibilities on their shoulders, they did their job well . . . they’re exemplary!

A solid and stable home produces a solid, stable, and productive citizen who makes a difference to this world!

Mothers, you have permission to salute yourself if no one else does it for you! You are valuable, You are providing services far beyond the call of duty! You are needed! You are important!

A Thousand Accolade to all Mothers out there! ! ! 

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