Sunday, October 31, 2010

Teachers . . . Who you are makes a difference!

          Yesterday, was the second day of our 2-day seminar. Our theme evolved on “Classroom Management”. We tackled a lot of things, which I believed were simply our classroom experiences with students.  I was specifically focused on the second part of the lecture, that was about “Learning Disabilities and Classroom Management”.

          A teacher’s motivation is a big factor on the progression of the learning ability of the students. It is very important for  teachers to know who the students they are teaching, whom they meet every day and whom they are giving lectures with. Their roles include: keeping things in perspective; Doing their own research and become their own expert; Be an advocate to their students and they should always remember that they cannot really determine the extent to which they influence their students.

          The four psychology of the learner  is the best option to focus in order to have the development of effective teaching techniques and to be able to assess the learner’s aptitude and progress. In addition, a look at adult education would not be complete without a view of the theories shaping the way teachers learn and the way they teach.

          The seminar on Classroom Management includes learning disabilities which are multifaceted because it covers many facets, to wit: Math difficulties, language and reading difficulties, writing difficulties and other learning disabilities like ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

          An ADHD according to our speaker looks very much like a willpower problem, but it is not. It is essentially a chemical problem in the management systems of the brain. ADHD children have these problems: on sitting still, staying focused, following instructions, staying organized, and completing work. While adults who have ADHD have the following manifestations: disorganization and forgetfulness, impulsivity, emotional difficulties, and hyperactivity or restlessness.

          Indeed, a teacher’s responsibility do not cease right after school time has closed and will resume again the following day after reporting back to school. Teachers are said to be versatile and dynamic people. They should be around to extend hands and walk extra mile in times they are needed especially during election time. Accordingly, the future of a student lies on how a teacher guides and nurtures a student on the way he should go. 

Teachers,  what are we feeding into the minds and spirits of our charges? Think of the implications of molding the life and character and soul and spirit of a human being that will in retrospect, remember you because of the great lessons and values you have shared and inculcated in their minds . . . which are  to be forever treasured as legacies. A great challenge to all teachers is that to be a teacher for life! 

         But who are these teachers? Are they rational people? Are they good counselors? Or are they sincere with their chosen vocation? No matter what level these Teachers are to be placed, they are the molder and the shaper and foremost, the mentor of the students’ life, preparing them for the life ahead . . . that’s why teachers are teachers!

Instead of allowing yourself  the luxury of over-reacting, think of the 90/10 principle by Stephen Covey and consider calmly the crisis you face; then consider the alternatives. Sometimes the cold shower of truth will bail you out. If worse comes to worst, don’t attempt to cover it up, but face the situation squarely. When you really become accomplished at handling the disadvantages of life or the negatives confronting you especially with regards to classroom management and learning disability of your students, you may even graduate to the point where you’ll be able to turn them into advantages or positives!

          When things go sour, remember to keep your wits about you. If you do, you may be able to think your way out of trouble. Or at the very least be able to lessen the blow.

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