Sunday, November 14, 2010

So Consuming . . .

The word of God is really refreshing! It’s the real thing that makes our day! It cools us off when we’re down and when we are at our lowest point, the word of God lifts us up! It’s so amazing that when the road  we are treading in life is seemingly dark and slightly visible to go through . . . it’s the power of the word of God that keeps us going!  When we are at the brink of surrendering because of failures and hurts, it’s the word of God that awakens us and enlightens our way.  

 The book of Psalm, chapter 18:30-36 says, “What a God! His road stretches straight and smooth. Every God-direction is road-tested. Everyone who runs toward him makes it. Is there any god like God? Are we not  at bedrock? Is not this the God who armed me, then aimed me in the right direction? Now I run like a deer; I’m king of the mountain. He shows me how to fight; I can bend a bronze bow! You protect me with salvation-armor; you hold me up with a firm hand, cares me with your gentle ways. You cleared the ground under me so my footing was firm.”

These verses were among the core verses that support the so awakening message this morning when I attended the church service at the DBC Center Point. The theme was “Burning with Passion, Bursting with Power”.  It was a continuation of the November 10 anniversary message “Leaping Forward, Leading Change” by Pastor Andoy Docena. The message was such a blessing that from the very start until the last word was uttered, there was a life burning within me . . . bubbling! It was alive and full of anointing! Praise God! To God be the Glory! 

 In life, we are faced with every challenge.  It takes for us to be burning with passion and to be bursting with power to go through the challenges ahead. Preparedness is a primary factor, second is courage, and the third is determination. Everything is coupled in passion. These are very important when we are to cross a chasm. 

Our chasms in life vary . . . others are chosen while others are God-allowed to try us, to try our faith, and even try the words that have been absorbed and became rhema (Living word) in our life. No matter what kind of chasm there is in your life and in my life . . . what is important is that we are aware and prepared at treading it.

It is God and no other that necessitates our ”Leaping Forward and our Leading a Change”. The principle, “Burning with Passion, Bursting with Power” should earnestly be desired. And there’s no other way to make all these possible . . . except to abide in God’s presence! We need all the energy and intensity we can congregate to cross the chasm! Yes, We need God earnestly because everything emanates from our Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God . . . He’s so Consuming!

Psalm 18: 28-29, “Suddenly, God, you floodlight my life;
I’m blazing with glory, God’s glory! I smash the
bands of marauders. Vault the highest fences.”

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