Monday, November 29, 2010

God’s ways are perfect . . . and to Fear Him is Wisdom!

The message last Sunday, November  28, 2010 was about Fearing God! The theme was stated,  “Make it Simple Saints!  Fear God . . . Do what He tells you!”  So refreshing to know that we have a God of order who takes care of every detail of our life. The fear of God is defined as “an awesome respect or reverence growing out of the greatness and power of God. To revere God as we ought, it is critical that we understand His nature.”

 Fear can be a friend and at the same time a foe. It is a friend when referred to the fear of God. Somehow, it is a foe when it becomes an agent that develops within us to become afraid of someone. The book of Ecclesiastes 7:18-20;29 tells us: 18 It's best to stay in touch with both sides of an issue. A person who fears God deals responsibly with all of reality, not just a piece of it.  19 Wisdom puts more strength in one wise person than ten strong men give to a city. 20 There's not one totally good person on earth, not one who is truly pure and sinless. Verse 29 says: “Yet I did spot one ray of light in this murk: God made men and women true and upright; we're the ones who've made a mess of things.“

  Our friends can be our official crook! Why? It’s because we’re all imperfect. Our imperfections cause a relationship to become complicated. Not only can it ruin relationships but it can also harm our emotions   deeper because of hurts, pains, and actions. That’s the reason why we should be a God-fearing individuals for us to be able to know more of God and to be more educated with spiritual values. Through the truth we learn, we can grow more to be like Him and we may be able to discover secrets to live a life according to God’s ways and purpose.

“Our enthusiasm for fear is the by product of an understanding of Who God is, because an understanding of the Character and Attributes of God motivates Respect and Reverence.”   In Ecclesiastes 12:13 says: “The last and final word is this: Fear God. Do what he tells you.” 

The Christendom is God’s concern. We don’t fear God and be apprehensive to come to Him and let the guilt feeling haunts us for life. God’s fear leads us to  salvation,  it is connected with obeying, leads us to find wisdom, keeps us from sin, and gets us through hard times. The book of Proverbs 1: 33 tells us that “First pay attention to me, and then relax.  Now you can take it easy—you're in good hands." 

 Indeed, we’re in good hands. No matter what happens, God will never leave us nor will He ever forsake us . . . He is faithful and His mercy endures forever! The book of Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”

To fear someone because he or she is your head is not  at all the kind of fear we are to manifest to God. The presence of somebody that creates tension and fear does not contribute to the well – being of a person. This is the kind of an attitude that will make the relationship messed up. And one day, this someone will just discover that he or she is alone and that people around started to evade because everyone seems to be feeling uncomfortable with the presence of this someone. I personally believe that the more a person is educated, the more he should be meek and approachable. It’s not our position that matters but it’s our disposition in life that excels and shows the best person in us.

 The fear of the Lord Prolongs life (Proverbs 10:27). In the book of Psalm 112:1, 7 “. . . Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! . . . He is not afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord”

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